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Bring/Turn/Keep/Look: Collocations Exercise

Level: Upper Intermediate to Advanced
Focus: Verb phrases using bring/turn/keep and look.

Choose ONE from each set to respond to.

Phrases with bring

1. Think of a photo you have that really brings back memories for you. First, tell what one sees when looking at the photo. Report on the specific details. Then, write about what doesn't show up openly. The memories can be pleasant or unhappy, but what did they bring on (cause to happen)?

2. What personal qualities did your parents bring you up to emulate? Discuss.

Phrases with turn

1. Write about an event that started out unpleasantly but turned into something good. Was there a particular moment at which you knew that things would turn out okay?

2. Did you ever turn down a proposition/scholarship/chance/relationship/dare or an offer/invitation? What happened as a result of your decision?

Phrases with keep

1. Have you ever tried to keep up with the latest fashions/score/trend or with a certain group of people? What happened? What did you learn?

2. What foods do you try to keep away from (or keep off, as people say in British English)? What happens if you eat them?

Phrases with look

1. Are you looking forward to having a break at the end of this session? Talk about any plans you have for the break.

2. Where do you look up one of these words to find out other expressions that use them? Try now to find several new word groups and make sentences using them.

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